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Annales gratuites Bac ST2S : A clinic for computer game addicts

Le sujet  2007 - Bac ST2S - Anglais LV1 - Expression Imprimer le sujet
Avis du professeur :

Pour l'expression, attention à traiter les 2 sujets. Le premier concerne un dialogue entre Tim, un adolescent de 134kg, et ses parents exaspérés. Le second sujet vous demande de rédiger un article au nom d'une association parentale, sur les dangers des jeux vidéo.


       A Dutch clinic that has begun offering the world's first treatment for computer game addicts
       has been overwhelmed with pleas for help from parents and children all over the world.
         "It's amazing, I've never seen anything like it," said Keith Bakker, the American director of
       the clinic in Amsterdam. "The phone has been ringing constantly. Computer game addiction
  5    is obviously an even greater problem than we imagined."
         The clinic will begin treating two teenagers from Britain this week and other sufferers are
       being signed in from America and Asia.
       "These are perfectly decent kids whose lives have been taken over by an addiction," said
       Bakker, a former drug addict.
 10     "Some have given up school so they can play games. They have no friends. They don't
       speak to their parents."
         Last week Bakker took his first group of "gamers", as he calls them, on a parachuting trip to
       take their minds off their computers. Treatment also involves meditation, fitness training and
       group therapy.
 15     Although experts are still debating whether excessive game playing counts as an addiction,
       Bakker has no doubt that the symptoms are the same.
         "It's not a chemical dependency, but it's got everything of an obsessive compulsive disorder
       and all of the other stuff that comes with chemical dependency."
         Tim, a 21-year-old from Utrecht, said he had hardly left his bedroom for five years because
 20   he was so obsessed by his computer games. "My room was a mess," he said. "Curtains drawn,
       pizza boxes, empty bottles and junk food wrappers everywhere."
         His parents were frightened of him because, weighing more
than 21 stone*, he was too
       strong for them to confront. Eventually they threatened to kick him out unless he enrolled for
       a month of therapy.
 25     Bakker said he had been hearing horror stories from parents about their children's addiction
       to computer games. One couple brought a six-year-old to the clinic, hoping the boy could be
         "All we could do was have a chat with him," said Bakker. "He used to be a perfectly
       healthy kid but they gave him a Nintendo and he changed. He doesn't talk to his friends any
 30   more."
         Many adolescent addicts have stopped maturing because of their addiction, claims Bakker.
       "I've met 19-year-olds with the emotional intelligence of 10-year-olds," he said, "because
       when they were 10 a parent said 'Here, have this Game Boy,' and they haven't stopped
       playing ever since."
 35     South Korea and China, where people are particularly passionate about computer games, are
       discussing with manufacturers ways of discouraging compulsive behaviour.
       Bakker thinks that European and American distributors should issue warnings about the

* 21 stone = 134 kilos

The Sunday Times, July 23rd, 2006.

Do both subjects (one and two).

1. Imagine a conversation between Tim and his parents. (80 words)
2. A parent's association writes an article about the dangers of computer games and offers advice. (120 words)



Le sujet d'expression se divise en 2 parties : Pour le premier sujet vous devez respecter les principes du dialogue et attribuer à chaque personnage un niveau de langue approprié.
Pour le deuxième, vous devez vous mettre à la place d'un parent exaspéré, qui dénonce les dangers de l'addiction et propose des solutions.


Vous devez rédiger une phrase d'intro, présentant les protagonistes ainsi que les motivations de leur conversation.
Il faut faire attention aux relations conflictuelles entre parents et enfants, ainsi qu'au niveau de langue.
Le discours direct exige des guillemets (surtout pas de tiret) et implique d'aller à la ligne quand le locuteur change.
Pour valoriser votre copie, vous devez utiliser des verbes introducteurs sans oublier de les mettre au prétérit, ainsi que des adverbes et adjectifs, afin de souligner les sentiments des personnages.

Ex :
He said (dit-il), he answered, he shouted, he replied, he asked, he mumbled (marmonner).
● Angrily, drily, sadly ; furious, understanding, disappointed, resigned.

Vous pouvez aussi utiliser les expressions suivantes pour marquer :
a. Le reproche :
● You should + stop playing those silly computer games ! Go back to school !
● Why don't you go out to make friends instead of + (Verbe -ing) staying in your room all night along / I'm fed up with your attitude.

b. L'ordre / le souhait
If only you could stop playing / leave me alone.
Stop yelling at me ! / bothering me !
I want you / I would like you to...

c. La préférence
rather play than go to school.
I prefer :
● computer games to books.
● being alone in my room to hanging out in the streets.
Playing in my room is safer than hanging out with the wrong people.

I don't like :
● going inside (Verbe -ing).
● sports (noun).
I can't stand + V-ing

Il ne faut pas oublier de conclure votre dialogue.

Vous pouvez débuter votre article par le cas concret de Tim afin d'attirer l'intérêt du lecteur (de l'article de votre copie) en le plongeant directement dans la réalité.
Vous pouvez faire un bref portrait d'un adolescent, Tim, en vous servant du texte,

Ex : Meet Tim; a 21 year old Dutch young man, weighing 21 stone.

Vous devez lister les méfaits des jeux vidéo.

Ex : isolation, violence problems with parents, teachers, peers, loss of curiosity and motivation, immaturity, mindless behaviour, overweight / obesity problems.

Vous devez proposer des solutions et / ou conseils aux parents désarmés et à leurs enfants.

Ex : You should
● communicate
● try to understand and discuss
● take decisive actions if he refuses to comply with rules / obey.

Don't hesitate to impose your views on your child.
Have him / make him go out / play sports / enroll for therapy for his well-being / for his own good.

En conclusion, vous pouvez aussi les encourager dans ces moments difficiles :
● Cheer up !
● We're there if you need us.
● Contact us at...
● Feel free to contact us.

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