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Annales gratuites Bac ST2S : The influence of cinema - expression

Le sujet  2009 - Bac ST2S - Anglais LV1 - Expression Imprimer le sujet
Avis du professeur :

Attention à bien traiter les 2 sujets proposés.
Le premier est encore une fois un exercice auquel vous êtes habitués : il faut rédiger un dialogue entre le frère et son fils désobéissant. Respectez bien le protocole de présentation du dialogue (intro, guillemets, verbes introducteurs au prétérit) en variant votre lexique pour exprimer les notions de surprises, colère ou regret.
Le deuxième sujet, derrière un intitulé simple à comprendre peut s'avérer plus dangereux dans la mesure où il faut rédiger 120 mots sur un film qui vous a ému ou impressionné.

(10 points)
Les candidats de toutes les séries traiteront les deux sujets.

1. Imagine his father finds him outside the cinema. Write the dialogue. (80 words)

2. Is there a film that has particularly impressed you? Relate and say why. (120 words)

.            The cinema had always been forbidden for our family; my parents were nervous about the
     consequences of allowing me to watch films alone in case it opened some moral floodgates
     they would be unable to block. It was Scott who suggested that we skip school one afternoon
     and go to the cinema. The plan was simple: we would go to school as usual in the morning but
5   rather than returning for double English after lunch we would take the number 27 bus into
     town and go to the ABC. Eager to learn what it was that made my parents so nervous, I
     readily agreed.
             I was fourteen years old the first time I bought a cinema ticket, it was in 1985 and the film
Back to the Future. Even now I remember the feeling of wonder that surged through me
10  as I sat in the darkened theatre. The knowledge my parents were unaware of what I was up to
     made the experience even more special; it was so liberating not to have to worry what my
     father might say.
Back to the Future I went back to the cinema and saw Rocky IV. Even though I went to
     an afternoon screening the cinema was completely packed.
Rocky IV was even more thrilling
15  than
Back to the Future because during the fight scenes the entire cinema was cheering Rocky
     as if the fight was actually taking place in the cinema. For someone who had only ever
     watched films in silence at home this was an entirely novel experience.
             Meanwhile after years of hiring video players, my father finally bought a Panasonic VHS
     recorder which was used to watch Bollywood films
(1) but when my parents were out and I had
20  the house to myself I would watch other films. One of the boys in my school had a father who
     ran a pirate video store out of the front room of his council flat. (...)
             My friend Craig accidentally influenced me more than he intended on the evening he came
     to my house with a video cassette, breathlessly urging me that 'You have to see that film,
     mate, you're gonna love it.' He did not live far but it was rare for Craig to come to my house
25  so this film had to be something extra special. 'It's called
The Breakfast Club,' he told me.
The Breakfast Club was unlike any other film I had seen; it was also the film that convinced
     me that nothing could be better than to be an American high-school student.
             I visualised having my own metal locker, imagined the pressure of prom night
(2) and
     speculated on what it might be like to date a cheerleader. In my daydreams, the possibility
30  that my high-school experience might differ on my account of not being white did not arise. I
     became so obsessed with the idea that on my weekend visits to Luton Library I began reading
     about exchange programmes that would let me spend a term at an American high school. It
     seems an absurd teenage fantasy but at the time I was deadly serious and truly believed that
     were it not for my obstructive parents I really could be an American high-school student.

Sarfraz Manzoon, The Promised Land, 2007

(1) Bollywood films : films made in India
(2) prom night : school party


N'oubliez pas d'introduire votre dialogue par une phrase qui présente la situation en terme de temps et de lieu.
The scene is set in a street outside the cinema from which the narrator has just come out with his friend Scott. There, he meets his infuriated and nonplussed dad.
● Votre dialogue doit rester cohérent avec le texte ; exprimez l'indignation du père, la désobéissance, le désaccord, l'impératif.
"I am so ashamed of you"
"How could you do this to me?"
"I don't agree with..."
"I disapprove of your being here"
"Go back home at once / this instant / right away ! 
● Pensez à varier les verbes introducteurs (he said, he claimed, he shouted) en utilisant systématiquement le prétérit.
● N'oubliez pas qu'en anglais, l'usage réclame des guillemets et non des tirets.

● Il valait mieux éviter de répondre brutalement par oui ou par non dès le début de votre essai. Une introduction classique s'imposait. Il fallait ensuite faire appel à votre expérience personnelle de cinéphile averti en relatant les émotions que ce film a suscitées en vous.
● Variez les adjectifs pour colorer votre récit.
"I have been impressed / stunned / astonished"
"I enjoyed + V-ing"
"I was fascinated / moved"
"It made me laugh / cry"
"It is the first time I have seen ( present perfect obligatoire) such a gripping / thrilling / spell-binding / spine-chilling / jaw-dropping / blood-curdling / hair-rising / breathtaking movie."
● En conclusion, pour garder un lien avec le texte, vous pouviez exprimer l'impact de ce film sur votre vie de tous les jours.

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